Learn how to accept cryptocurrency payments on XenForo.

XenForo: How Can Forum Owners Accept International Payments

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XenForo is web forum software that is increasingly popular. The platform also attracts webmasters with its convenience, wide choice of styles, security, and efficient optimization. 

In this article, we will discuss the platform's features and advantages, available plans, and working principle, as well as how to accept payments on XenForo and connect processing for handling crypto payments

XenForo: What You Need to Know

XenForo is a web forum engine created by former developers of the famous VBulletin service. The platform offers users technologies adopted from its predecessor service, combined with new advanced tools, a redesigned interface, and regular updates with new features.

To create a forum on XenForo, you need to upload the engine files to the server, having previously paid for your hosting and registered a domain. An option with ready-made hosting from the platform is also available. Installation is done through a convenient wizard with step-by-step instructions, and forum customization is done through the control panel.

If you use your own hosting, you can purchase a XenForo license for $195. XenForo Cloud is also available with out-of-the-box hosting and several monthly plans: $60, $100, and $250. The main difference between the plans is the storage size (50, 100 and 240 GB, respectively). 

XenForo is a powerful web forum engine.

All packages offer access to all features, the ability to add company employees, daily backups, protection from DDoS attacks, lifetime support, and much more — you can check out the full range of features on the website. For large companies there is a custom Enterprise plan, and a demo version with full access to functions for 7 days to familiarize with the system.

Platform Features and Benefits

XenForo features include: 

  • Discussions. XenForo offers a user-friendly design for conducting discussions, creating threads to answer questions and make suggestions, and chatting between users. 

  • Content. The system allows users to create text in an easy-to-use editor, attach and edit files, submit reactions, and vote for the best answers. 

  • Moderation. Management tools include editing posts, a publication list, the ability to notify support of problematic content, and an automated system for sending warnings to users who violate the rules. 

  • Spam Protection. The system tracks spammers, prohibits registering multiple accounts in a short period of time, and allows you to set a timeout for sending messages. 

  • SEO. The platform is optimized for search engines. 

  • Monetization. Online payment services can be integrated into the forum through ready-made plugins. 

  • Design. XenForo settings allow you to choose the appearance of the created forum using the corresponding tab on the control panel. 

From moderation to SEO optimization, XenForo provides many features for running web forums.

The engine is popular for several reasons: 

  • Security. The system protects user data, allows you to connect two-factor authentication, and block suspicious accounts. 

  • Ease of use. Setting up a forum and installing plugins for XenForo is easy. 

  • Optimization. The system loads pages quickly, supports micropartitioning, uses semantic layout, hides irrelevant content. 

  • Large number of styles. Styles for XenForo can be downloaded for free and imported through the control panel. 

  • Good tech support. Representatives of the platform quickly respond and promptly resolve any questions that arise.

Accepting Payments in Cryptocurrency on XenForo  

Forums on XenForo can be monetized — for example, you can hide some content behind a paid subscription. You can organize online payments in many ways — the system supports many popular platforms, such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.

A way to accept payments is to connect a cryptocurrency payment gateway. Such a service will allow users to pay for access with digital currency. Although this payment method is less popular than the usual bank card payment, it has several advantages.

By accepting payments in cryptocurrency, the company provides a high level of security and allows the client to maintain anonymity. It is also convenient when working with an international audience. Such payments allow you to avoid sanctions restrictions. An additional plus for the entrepreneur is a low processing fee, which does not exceed 1-2%. 

Промоблок payments-crypto

How to Connect Crypto Processing?

Many services allow you to organize the acceptance of payment with cryptocurrency. The peculiarities of connection depend on the chosen system. Let's have a look at the integration on the example of CryptoCloud. 

CryptoCloud is a cryptocurrency processor that offers users free setup and commissions from 0.4%. Other advantages of the service include fast withdrawals, a user-friendly interface with the ability to customize checkout, high operation stability, security, and prompt technical support. 

Installation of processing on the forum is done through a ready-made plugin in a few steps: 

  1. Sign up. For registration only email is needed. Verification is not required. 

  2. Add a project. Includes filling out a short form with information about the website. You can add several projects to one account. 
    CryptoCloud is a convenient crypto processing that can be connected to XenForo to accept payments.

  3. Download the plugin and install it on the forum. This is done through XenForo tools. 

  4. Activate the plugin through the forum control panel (Settings — Payment gateways — Add payment gateway). The CryptoCloud project settings show all the data to be entered in the opened form. 

  5. Make a test payment. 

CryptoCloud supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether (USDT) and other currencies. All transactions are tracked via personal account and notifications to email or Telegram.

XenForo Forum Monetization

XenForo is a web forum engine that offers several features to manage discussions, protect users from spam and malicious attacks, create a unique website design and structure, and monetize the page. One way to receive payments is to connect crypto processing. 

CryptoCloud offers users a convenient system with multi-lingual checkout, currency conversion and fast withdrawal. Registration in the system and integration to the forum will not take much time thanks to a ready-made plugin.  

Промоблок processing-crypto

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