How to attract buyers willing to pay with cryptocurrency and increase sales? Let's find out in the article.

TOP-7 Ways to Attract Clients That Use Cryptocurrencies as Means of Payment

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The cryptocurrency market continues to develop: according to the forecast, it will grow at about 17% per year until 2029. Therefore, business representatives are increasingly interested in attracting more customers who can pay with cryptocurrency to their websites. 

In this article, we tell you how businesses can increase the number of customers using cryptocurrency as a means of payment.   

How to Increase the Number of Cryptocurrency Payments

Beginning merchants and those doing business for years are looking to learn how to attract customers using various methods. Below, we will list the main ones.

Publish an icon for accepting cryptocurrency payments

When attracting customers to a website, you must notify them about the available payment methods. The user should not have to scroll through pages independently to determine how to pay for the purchase. A merchant wanting to increase the number of customers must visually show them that a cryptocurrency payment option is provided. Placing the appropriate icon also improves the image of the site.

Create a page with terms and conditions and payment methods

For a commercial web resource, the standard is a page that explains how to deposit funds and what the parties' obligations are. Many customers visit this page, especially if they plan to place a large order. Therefore, another answer to the question of how to attract customers and increase sales is to mention all payment methods and describe the applicable guarantees. In this case, the visitor will know their rights are protected. 

We also recommend reading our article: «Why Do Entrepreneurs Need to Offer Several Payment Methods».

To attract customers who pay in cryptocurrency, an entrepreneur can add cryptocurrency acceptance icons to the website.

Add information about the payment method to the knowledge base

Once you implement the ability to make purchases with cryptocurrency, you should detail how payment with digital money is done, as well as what types of money the company accepts. The instructions in the knowledge base should describe the following steps: 

  1. placing an order and proceeding to payment;
  2. choosing a currency and specifying an e-mail address;
  3. receiving a unique address with a QR code;
  4. conducting the transaction itself. 

The process is completed with a confirmation from the blockchain network.  

Release content about accepting payments in cryptocurrency

Almost everyone has heard about digital money, but many people are not properly informed about it. Sometimes it is unknown where you can find customers willing to pay with Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies: on social networks and video hosting sites, in messengers or among existing visitors. Therefore, content should be produced in different formats: articles, posts with images, videos — and published on different platforms.

Make an e-mail newsletter

E-mail is still one of the main communication channels. Thanks to e-mails, many customers learn about company news and promotions. Therefore, in the mailings it is necessary to inform the audience that payment through cryptocurrency is available, with a brief instruction and a description of the advantages. In the future, it will not be superfluous to periodically inform about it again, mentioning the pros of cryptocurrency transactions. 

Conducting an e-mail campaign will help spread the message to customers about accepting crypto payments.

Promote the acceptance of cryptocurrency payments on social networks

In addition to your website, it is always better for an organization to have groups or channels on popular social networks to communicate with users and distribute content. Even if the social network is not used for the sales purpose but through it you can tell how easy and convenient it is to pay with cryptocurrency in an online store, using appropriate tags such as #bitcoin.

Mention the payment method in advertising texts and creatives

Advertising should draw attention to more than just the product itself. While describing the benefits of a product or service, you should get customers interested in the store's features. Through advertising content and creatives, it will be possible to expand the target audience, emphasizing the security of crypto payments and positioning them as modern, convenient, and reliable. 

It's important to mention accepting cryptocurrency payments on the website and in social media posts.

Offer discounts, reduced fees for cryptocurrency payments

Users are always happy to save money, so one of the right options is to reduce their expenses. For example, a customer can get a small discount if they choose to pay with cryptocurrency. You can also take on the compensation of commission costs: such investments will pay off when visitors become regular. If you consider that processing crypto payments is usually not expensive, the benefit will be two-sided. 

Accepting Crypto Payments with CryptoCloud

To take advantage of digital assets, you can connect cryptocurrency processing. Such functions are provided by CryptoCloud, which allows you to:  

  • register and connect crypto acquiring for free;
  • save on commissions — the service fee is from 0.4%;
  • accept payment in Bitcoins, Ethereum, Litecoin and other currencies;
  • integrate a ready-made payment plugin into the website basen on popular CMS;
  • withdraw the received money in a few minutes;
  • thanks to encryption and protection from DDoS attacks, do not worry about security;
  • receive additional benefits through the affiliate program. 

CryptoCloud is a cryptocurrency processor with low fees and high conversion checkout.

Convenient crypto processing allows you to automate payment acceptance, create one-time and permanent payment links, and choose which party will pay the commission of the blockchain network and service. Among the useful features are setting the accuracy of payments, customizing the payment page, and analyzing completed transactions. 

You can add a project and test the work of accepting cryptocurrency payments in a few minutes. This allows the merchant to have the entire range of tools at their disposal without the need to use other services.

Cryptocurrency Payment Attracts Customers and Expands Audience

Digital assets are safe, convenient, easy to use. The parties do not depend on economic and political restrictions when making a transaction. Using a proven cryptocurrency payment gateway, you can be reassured about the safety of merchant and client data. 

If you plan to use the CryptoCloud service, inform your users about new payment acceptance options by placing an icon on the website, updating the knowledge base, sending a newsletter, or offering a discount.  

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